How to start

We give you all info for your start. If you have some questions. Feel free to contact us.

1. (Picture) SIZE matters! …and Ratio

Product Pics:
We need square product pics! Ratio 1:1
A good picture size is 800×800 Pixel

Store Header:
1650×350 Pixel 

Store Header Mobile:
520×250 Pixel

Vendor Icon:
300×300 Pixel

2. Choose the right name


Band – Product Name [Type]

MPlus – Fanshirt [T-Shirt]

[T-Shirt], [Zipper], [DVD], [Vinyl], [Double-CD]

3. Category

Don´t choose main categories. Choose the exact Category and items will also show up in parent categories.

You have different category pathways:
The Categories depend on the way people search in the shop. All these ways will show the same Shirt.


Band T-Shirt
a) bands / band-merch / t-shirts-bands
b) clothing /men/t-shirts
c) Bands / Genre / Heavy Metal + 1 Extra Genre if needet. 2 genres total.
d) Bands / Artist A-Z / F-J / G / Bandname
